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<allpages gapcontinue="Recycled_Metal" />
<page pageid="4063" ns="0" title="Reaper's Hood">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">[[Image:3748.jpg|thumb]]
|description=Darkness, the shrouded wearer's face unseen. The desire to harvest the soul of the enemy has never been so insatiable. Soft as silk yet as strong as mithril, the material reflects no light whatsoever, granting the assassin within a greater chance to deliver a fatal blow in one strike. This is all there is... darkness, a true master of stealth.
|rarity=Mythic Rare
|description=Darkness, the shrouded wearer's face unseen. The desire to harvest the soul of the enemy has never been so insatiable. Soft as silk yet as strong as mithril, the material reflects no light whatsoever, granting the assassin within a greater chance to deliver a fatal blow in one strike. This is all there is... darkness, a true master of stealth.
|rarity=Mythic Rare
*The '''Reaper's Hood''' is the Legendary item for [[Thief|Thieves]].
*On the multi-alt server, this item is given by the [[Black Hood Avenger]] in exchange for [[Amulet of Stealth]] and [[Feathered Helm]] (or [[Ironweed Shroud]]).
[[Category:Strength Mod]]</rev>
<page pageid="2479" ns="0" title="Recycle Bin">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">[[image:1579.jpg|thumb]]
The recycle bin has been created to work with common items that are not particularly useful anymore. It spits out incorrect portions or unacceptable items. It gives returns for proper deposits.
*Used to turn [[Halberd]]s into [[Recycled Metal]] and [[Sand Wurm Hide]]s into [[Wurm Scale Fabric]].