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Revision as of 14:25, 27 February 2011 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Base damage: 21, Can be worn by: fighters, paladins, berserkers, Description: At first glance the pike appears to be similar to the simple spear, but once you examine it more closely the differences become apparent. Rather than a simple arrowhead, an extremely sharp steel tip was fastened onto the end of the pike. Also, leather has been wrapped around the shaft, making it more comfortable to hold as you charge into battle., Level needed to equip it: 18, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: hydra:1.4, Mana leech: .

Rarity: Common



  • Harpoon (doesn't have the damage table, also one level higher)