Emerald Bracelet

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Revision as of 01:34, 5 October 2018 by Nighthawk (Talk | contribs)

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Armor base: 1, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: A delicate gold band featuring a brilliant emerald gemstone as large as a half-orc's fist. The emerald has been expertly crafted into the shape of a heart. The gem seems to sparkle and glisten in the sunlight, but the very center of the stone remains dark and cloudy no matter how clear and bright the day., Level needed to equip it: 31, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0, Max equip: 0.

Rarity: Rare


