From Nightmist wiki
POD = Per One Damage.
In the table you can find that a small snake gives 40 pod. So for every point of damage you inflict you get 40 experience points. If you would damage the snake for 15 damage that means you would get 15 * 40 (pod) 600 exp points.
Points on Damage List (ordened by monster name)
Monster | POD |
Aet'Thol | 60 |
Arrowhead | 80 |
Asp | 45 |
Badger | 30 |
Bandit | 60 |
Bandit Leader | 60 |
Banker | 25 |
Black Bear | 50 |
Bloom | 25 |
Braced Door | 15 |
Brown Bear | 55 |
Bunny | 1 |
Burly Bartender | 35 |
Butterfly | 60 |
Captain Wylsen | 65 |
Caterpillar | 50 |
Chair | 45 |
Chest | 1 |
Cinder Beast | 60 |
Clay Golem | 50 |
Colossal Ant | 50 |
Crystal Giant | 20 |
Dark Gnome | 20 |
Deer | 2 |
Demonic Soldier | 55 |
Door | 2 |
Drunken Brawler | 30 |
Dryad | 30 |
Elite Sentry Spider | 50 |
Elshira | 60 |
Ettin | 70 |
Gardener | 70 |
Ghast | 30 |
Ghost | 30 |
Ghoul | 20 |
Giant Centipede | 36 |
Giant Crocodile | 42 |
Giant Frog | 57 |
Giant Leech | 27 |
Points on Damage List (ordened by PoD)