Elite Sentry Spider

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Name Elite Sentry Spider
Spawn Rate Minute
Hp Low
Exp 50 (350 on death)
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 15
Magic Resistance Moderate
Undead? No
Special abilities 1-point poison
Money 65
1-alt server
Cephalothorax (very rare)


The elite sentry spider is different from the other spiders. Its covered with a hard, chitinous armor, and appears to be much more agile than its brothers. It jumps up to protect its mistress, and attacks remorselessly.


Both Servers:


  • On the 1-alt server, they have a very rare chance to drop a Cephalothorax.
  • Though a pair of Elite Sentry Spiders flank Elshira and guard the corridor to her throne, Elshira herself doesn't summon them... only regular Sentry Spiders.
  • Not all Elite Sentry Spiders are kill-to-pass.