Corpse snake

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Revision as of 03:36, 6 January 2025 by Alex (Talk | contribs)

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Name Corpse
Spawn Rate 10 minute
Hp Moderate
Exp 70
Kill Exp
Max hit 70
Magic Resistance
Special abilities None
Money 300
Drops skeleton finger
Venom Gland (rare)
Fangs (Very Rare)


One of the more morbid reptiles you've come across. The Corpse Snake is infamous for invading graveyards during wet seasons when the ground is soft, where it burrows through the rotting wood of coffins to gorge themselves on the decomposing cadavers within. Sometimes people catch them on their way out and cook them as a delicacy. Other times, the snake's choice of food has unintended side-effects, which might explain the reptile's popularity among necromancers.

