Time Mage

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Revision as of 13:15, 29 June 2009 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Name Time Mage
Also known as
Difficulty Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Spawn Rate Daily
Hp Moderate
Exp 90
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit
Magic Resistance Extremely High
Undead? No
Special abilities Invisibility,
Summons Time Guardians
Money 10,000gp
Drops Rusted Key (?%)

The Time Mage looks much older than the Time Knight, and since his previous fall seems to have spent a great deal of time perfecting the use of powerful magics. He has swapped the long sword and tough armors for spells and potions which he uses to fight off threats to his temple. He is the guardian of the Time Portal, which is used to control the time of the entire realm. His great time alone in the Temple of Chronos seems to have sent him somewhat insane, and it is obvious with so much power he must be stopped. Since his previous defeat he has added more to the temple's large library of events, and upgraded parts of the temple with newer technology and materials.

Attacks and abilities

Favourite Quotes


Temple of Chronos

