Woobie's Chest

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Revision as of 03:03, 30 April 2013 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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multi-alt only

Name Woobie's Chest
Also known as
Difficulty Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif
Alignment True Neutral
Spawn Rate
Hp Extremely High (self-heal)
Exp 75
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 80
Armour Very High
Dodge Low
Magic Resistance Moderate
Undead? No
Special abilities Self-Healing
Money 2,000
Drops Incriminating Evidence


This elaborate chest is rigged with traps and complicated locks, presumably as insurance should she be compromised. You presume it is here that Woobie has stored the incriminating evidence she obtained from the Inquisitor's Tower.

Attacks and abilities

The chest itself is nothing too special, other than the fact it has some moderately strong attacks against you. The biggest problem is that Woobie (as the Lightning-fast Assailant) frequently enters your square to engage in a powerful hit-and-run attack against you.

Its location changes every time a party enters the mansion, so you have to explore every side-room to find it.

Favourite quotes

  • *Woobie's Chest falls to bits.*




  • Spawns in multiple locations, although only one instance of it ever appears at any one time.