Four times the height of the tallest human, this enormous stone creature seems oblivious to the heat, the mist, or the blowing sand around it. Burning red eyes stab through the mist seeking you out, fixating on you with an intensity that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand ready and your knees quiver with adrenaline. The creature seems to have only one obvious possession; a glowing key hangs from a dark metallic chain about its neck.
Attacks and abilities
The Grotesque is a hideous and ferocious adversary that does not bother with fancy spells or self-defense and instead opts for a brutal mêlée onslaught, occasionally scaring opponents to death with its stare. It attacks several crits at once for very high, armour-piercing damage, and will annihilate even very large parties if care is not taken. His drop, the Hourglass Key, allows access to the Enormous Dune, the nest of the Roc... and Resca.
Favourite quotes
- "Mine... it..IS... MINE!!" (when paged)
- "Finally... to be free...." (when killed)
- This boss only appears on the multi-alt server.
- Due to the severely high damage, this boss is extremely difficult, although not impossible, for a single player to take on, even on a party of 20 strong crits.
- Since the Grotesque is made out of stone, the Dwarven Pickaxe does double damage against it, but it is not really worth switching to it from another, more general-purpose weapon.