Atrium Monarch

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Revision as of 11:19, 5 September 2010 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Name Atrium Monarch
Also known as AM, Monarch
Difficulty Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif
Alignment Neutral Evil
Spawn Rate Daily
Hp Moderate (Self-heal)
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 70+
Armour Moderate
Dodge Moderate
Magic Resistance
Undead? No
Special abilities Self-Healing
Money 10,000
Drops Concealing Petal Armour (50%)

Rose Blade (50%)

The atrium monarch is dressed in very flowing, royal gowns. He is a rather tall dainty man, but dont let that fool you about his ferocity. He turns to face you, and pure menace shows on his face.

Attacks and abilities

Favourite Quotes

  • "I have the power to destroy you all! LEAVE at once!"
  • "My precious garden! How will it survive without me!!!!"


Rose Garden

