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Name Locksmith
Also known as
Difficulty Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif
Alignment Neutral Evil
Spawn Rate Every few hours
Hp High
Exp 95
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 346
Armour High
Dodge High
Magic Resistance Immune
Undead? No
Special abilities Immune to most weapons
Unavoidable attacks
Money 10,000
Drops Various keys; see Loot section

The locksmith jingles softly as he moves, a sound not unlike sleigh bells or the quiet clatter of fine silver on china. His deep red padded armor muffles the sound only slightly, and provides you with the occasional glance of a plethora of keys dangling individually from short leather cords as the folds sway with his movements.

Attacks and abilities

The Locksmith is a slow attacker, attacking once every ten seconds approximately, and he attacks you with a Sharpened Pick and Hidden Dagger from time to time for over 100 damage. However, he also possesses the ability to assassinate crits for well over 300 points of damage, capable of rounding most crits. All attacks are armour-piercing and are unavoidable.

Favourite quotes

  • They are mine, all MINE!
  • You can't have them! You can't have any of them!
  • My keys! All my wonderful keys!



This list is not exhaustive; it is unknown how many different keys the Locksmith drops. There is a possibility that he can drop every single type of key in the game.

Cheap Keys

Useful Keys

Rare Keys
