Sabretooth Tiger

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Name Sabretooth Tiger
Also known as Sabretooth
Difficulty Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif
Alignment True Neutral
Spawn Rate Undetermined
Hp Moderate
Exp 65
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit Undetermined
Armour Undetermined
Dodge Undetermined
Magic Resistance 60%
Undead? No
Special abilities None
Money Unknown
Drops Sabretooth Tiger Head


The Sabretooth Tiger is quick to take its stance, a fiery glow is seen in its eyes and its mouth wide open as if to warn you of what is to come. It has its claws fixed in the hard soil, ready to push forward and charge at anyone who ventures near. It carries the resemblance of a plain tiger, but its robust build is almost bear-like. The two front canines remind you of those of a bloodsucker, were it not for their enormous size.

Attacks and abilities

The fierce tiger slashes with its claws, takes bites using razor sharp fangs and pounces.

Favourite quotes

None are recorded.




The boss appears only on the 1-alt server and must be killed to be able to leave its lair.