Snow Wight

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Name Snow Wight
Spawn Rate 10 Minute
Hp Moderately Low
Exp 80
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 90
Magic Resistance Moderate
Undead? 50%
Special abilities 20 point poison, Invisibility
Money 370
Drops Frozen Skull (uncommon)
Mercury (uncommon)
Congealed Blood (rare)


With icicles clinging painfully to its flesh, this wight slumbers towards you with undead hunger, with one of its legs motionless and dragging uselessly in the snow. Its hands are black with congealed blood and toxins, and its teeth are black with goodness knows what.


Katahdin Tundra


  • Heal spells only do half damage, but have fairly low armour, meaning classes with the Erebus Lance or Paladins with the Sword of Light excel against them.
  • A pretty awful pun on "Snow White".