Purple Dragon Queen

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Name Purple Dragon Queen
Also known as Dragon Queen
Difficulty Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif
Alignment True Neutral
Spawn Rate Staff-spawned
Hp Extremely High
Exp 120
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 300 (* 2)
Magic Resistance Immune
Undead? No
Special abilities Spawns Dragon Hatchlings.
Can spot covert Thieves.
Money 25,000
Drops Dragon Egg (historical)
Cobalt Spinel (always]

Attacks and abilities

By far the most powerful of the dragons in the realm; she has control over the four elements and displays this feat through her numerous attacks, whether it be stomping the ground to produce shockwaves, flapping her wings to produce hurricane-force winds, blowing balls of ice at targets, or snorting jets of flame. If provoked, she can charge up her flame attack to unleash a devastating inferno upon her aggressor.

Despite her strength, she is still a mother, and will vehemently protect her clutch of eggs; occasionally, she will encourage one to hatch, producing a live and hungry Dragon Hatchling who will also try to attack.

Her intelligence and power is further betrayed through her telepathic taunts and threats.

Favourite quotes


