Katahdin Tundra

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Revision as of 23:06, 27 November 2020 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Location on World Map
None Katahdin Tundra None

General Information

Katahdin Tundra (WikiVersion).png

The Katahdin Tundra is essentially Nightmist's version of Antarctica. It is a large, continental island locked in perpedual winter (courtesy of Pamola). The entry and exit point is via a Silversail Cruiseliner that docks at the whaling village, which is pretty spartan as far as towns go, as it does not have a bank (although it has a tavern).

From the whaling village, there are three exit points that lead onto the Frozen Plains where most of the area's regulsr monsters are, and are arranged in such a way that it favours particular classes. The Western side is best suited for Mages with higher numbers of Ice Trolls, the central exit is best for Berserkers with its wide open expanse (so being under the effects of Grog XD isn't too detrimental) and range of durable monsters, while the Eastern side is best for Clerics and Paladins, as there's a greater concentration of Wights there.

Points of Interest

  • Alomkik Tumulus
  • Lake Talaska
  • Whaling Village




¹ = Found in Talaskan Forest.
² = Found in Lake Talaska.



  • Thin ice damage draps on the frozen surface of Lake Talaska (Protect will prevent damage).
  • Drowning death traps under Lake Talaska (need Water Ring to avoid drowning).
  • Talaskan Digestors are kill-to-pass and fairly high damage.
  • Unstable Ice Shelf death traps on the western side (Protect will prevent death).
  • There is no bank in the whaling village - you have to leave the area completely and return to Silversail if you wish to deposit your gold.



  • You need 5,000 gold to enter this area and 5,000 gold to leave this area.