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General info

Possible races



  • Determines the amount for which you hit with a weapon.


  • Not used at all.


  • Determines the ability to dodge as well as hit.


  • Determines health points on start and at every level up.

The amount of health points you will gain every level is randomly calculated using your constitution as a factor.

Constitution Health Points
18 8-10
19 8-11


  • Determines your healing power in general.
  • Determines your magic resistance.
  • Determines mana points on start and at every level up.

The amount of mana you will gain is fixed.

Wisdom Mana Points
18 11
19 11


  • Determines your healing power on undead, and on yourself. But less than how Wisdom affects this.
  • When healing a player, it is their Charisma that affects the healing power.
  • Determines the way you look (in look over)


Stamina gains occur on the following levels:

1, 6, 15, 22, 29, 32, 36, 40 (1-alt)

1, 6, 15, 22, 29, 34, 38, 40 (multi-alt)





A stronger heal spell that costs 7 mana to use as opposed to 4. It is roughly double the power of the Heal spell, but only 70% the strength of the Cleric equivalent. This spell can be first obtained at level 18 and costs 3,000 gold at a guild, although Black Paladins sometimes drop Scrolls of Aid that can be used.

Divine Prayer

Champion's Strength

Holy Speed


As you gain experience your character will gain in levels. To level you must have the experience needed (indicated by a red experience bar, skin depending). To level up you must pay a visit to a certain guild, which will be located anywhere in the Nightmist world. Guild locations on Nightmist Multi and Nightmist 1a are different.


Level Location
1-10 Nightmist
11-20 Blackthorn
21-25 Arilin
26-29 Jahanna Desert
30 Jahanna Desert (Hidden below the 26-29 guild)
31-40 Silversail

For level 31: Requires Gloves of Vigor or Wizard Cuffs. Give the required item to the guild master present and use the given key to access the level 31 guild.

For level 36 onwards: Requires Grandmaster's Insignia.


Level Location
1-10 Nightmist
11-15 Resthaven
16-20 Arilin
21-25 Blackthorn
26-28 Harabec
29-30 Jahanna Desert
31-40 Tirantek

Equipment Guide


Level Weapon
1 Oak Staff
5 Quarterstaff
13 Spear
** Blade of Sacrifice
15 Blade of Honor
** Reforged Blade of Sacrifice
18 Pike
** Poleaxe
23 Justice Blade
25 Rose Blade
** Beryllium Sword
** Mithril Sword
** Blade of Time
** Sovereign Sword
** Sword of Existence
** Sword of Light


Body Armor

Level Body Armor
1 Leather Vest
5 Studded Leather Doublet
10 Branchwood Tunic
15 Oak Vest
20 Ironweed Doublet
25 Fireleaf Tunic
** Crusader's Crest
** Sand Wurm Hide
** Azure Robes


Level Shield
1 Small Shield
5 Medium Shield
10 Large Shield
15 Iron Shield
20 Branchwood Shield
25 Spiked Shield
** Sentinel Shield


Level Helmet
1 Helmet
5 Silver Helmet
10 Reinforced Helmet
20 Branchwood Helmet
25 Spiked Helmet
30 Helm of Triumph / Adamant Fullhelm / Mask of Purity
** Savior's Cowl


Level Gloves
1 Centipede Gloves
10 Tomb Gloves
25 Iron Gauntlets
27 Spider Gauntlets
29 Gauntlets of Virtue


Level Boots
1 Crocodile Skin Boots
1 Ravenbone Boots
20 Boots of Faith
28 Boots of Time
30 Vindicator's Boots
** Silken Sandals of Time



Armour Amulets
Level Amulet
1 Bunny Foot Necklace
1 Copper Amulet
1 Silver Amulet
1 Gold Amulet
30 Hades Amulet
30 Platinum Amulet
** Amulet of the Lich
** Bloodstone
** Pendant of Light
Strength Amulets
Level Amulet
1 Firestone Charm
1 Granite Amulet
1 Sthenias Medallion
** Cerulean Periapt
** Veridian Charm
Dexterity Amulets
Level Amulet
1 Amulet of Hermes
1 Amulet of Hightail
1 Rune of Mercury
** Amulet of Lag Protection
** Feral Choker
Wisdom Amulets
Level Amulet
1 Scholar's Amulet
1 Sil'ilos Talisman
** Triangle of Thunder


Level Bracelet
** Baron's Bracelet
** Bracelet of Hope


Level Ring
1 Gold Ring
17 Ring of Apollo
25 Crystal Ring
30 Ring of Astray / Ring of Fire / Ring of Thunder / White Ring