Getting Started

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Nightmist Solo or Nightmist Multi?

In January 2007 Nightmist admin released a 1-alt version of the pre-existing version of Nightmist which has been running since September 2000. Currently there are more people playing the 1-alt version, which is also where further expansion of the game is expected. A certain level of co-operation between players is required on both games; however, it is vital if you choose to play the 1-alt version of Nightmist. This list of features for both versions highlights the similarities and differences between them.

Nightmist Multi

  • you can make multiple characters.
  • you can log on up to 20 characters at a time.
  • you can choose to play a Pacifist (non attacking character).
  • you may need to rely on co-operation of players.

Nightmist Solo

  • you can make multiple characters.
  • you can only log on 1 character at a time.
  • you cannot play a Pacifist.
  • when entering towns there are kill to pass monsters.
  • you will need to rely on co-operation of players.

Which version should you play? I can only suggest you give both versions a try and decide for yourself.

What sort of character can I play?

Deciding which class you would like to play:

The various types of character you can play are the same on both servers with the exception that on 1alt you cannot play a Pacifist. There are 9 types (classes) of character you may play. Each class has different uses and skills within the game. Here is a small and basic description of each class.


  • Uses both mêlée attacks and abilities which consume all your stamina in one attack. Berserkers cannot equip any armour.


  • Can heal undead monsters to death; deals little damage to normal monsters using mêlée attacks. Heals other players.


  • Attacks using both spells and mêlée attacks; can make themselves camouflaged (invisible) and track (follow) other players.


  • Uses mêlée attacks and can equip the heaviest of armour and weapons. Has no special abilities.


  • Attacks using spells, has the ability to make other characters invisible and to use Vortex Gate (transportation spell). Mêlée attack is very weak and their available armour is very light.


  • Can heal undead monsters to death, cannot attack players or monsters, and has the ability to protect other players from death with Lesser Pact and Justice Zone. Heals other players.


  • Can heal undead monsters to death, and uses mêlée attacks versus normal monsters. Heals other players. A Paladin heals for less than a Cleric.


  • Attacks using abilities which at high levels consume all your stamina in one attack. Can track other players, and can hypnotise players and monsters.


  • Uses both mêlée attacks and abilities which consume all your stamina in one attack. Can steal gold from monsters and players. Has the ability to covert (make themselves invisible).

Deciding which race you would like to play:

Different races have different stats which effect characters in different ways. Classes are restricted to certain races only, this is shown in the character creation window by greying out the races which cannot be chosen.

There are 6 stats each with different meaning to your character. Here is a small breakdown.

Strength Determines how hard you hit.
Intelligence Determines Mage spell damage. Affects chance of successful forage. Affects fizzle rate.
Dexterity Determines how often you hit and how often you get hit.
Constitution Determines how many health points (HP) you get when you level and the amount of stamina usage while moving covert on thieves.
Wisdom Determines how many mana points (MP) you get when you level and how hard magic users hit you for when using spells (except from Wrath of the Gods). Determines spell effectiveness for Clerics, Druids and Paladins.
Charisma Determines how much you get healed for and determines looks. Also affects hypnotise chance (rangers only). Determines Pacifist spell effectiveness.

See also

Class: Berserker | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Mage | Pacifist | Paladin | Ranger | Thief

Race: Dwarf | Elf | Gnome | Half-Elf | Half-Orc | Halfling | Human